Tuesday, April 04, 2006

A gentle teacher

Joshua becomes a Muslim. That's not where the story ends. It's where it begins.

Joshua has a lot of bad habits. A mild addiction to beer. A strong need for female companionship. Laziness. Anger.

When he becomes a Muslim, the habits are suppressed. Temporarily. But habits don't go away easily. Joshua confides in his friend, Mahmoud. He doesn't know if he can keep it up. Being a Muslim is harder than he thought.

Mahmoud sends Joshua to spend time with his uncle, Abdul-Qadir, in Pakistan.

Abdul-Qadir is a poor shopkeeper with a big family and a generous spirit. He gently guides Joshua, teaching him Islam not through rebuke but through caring.

Abdul-Qadir is a true Muslim, following the example of Prophet Muhammad (S). Never harsh. Patient. Calm. Loving.

In the course of my twenty-five years as a Muslim, I have encountered many individuals who were harsh and judgmental. I think we need more Abdul-Qadirs.

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