Wednesday, September 20, 2006


My laptop is gone and I am practically computer-less. I do have this desk top, alhamdulillah, but it's slower and I must share it with the rest of the family. I waited until 11:30 tonight for my turn at the computer.

The worst part is that I can't write. I tried to use the CD for my most recent work, but couldn't access it. I don't want to start anything new on this computer. And because I must share it I can't write when I want.

Insha Allah, my husband and son have promised to buy me a new laptop on Saturday. Until then I will have to make do. I'm watching more TV than usual--not a good thing--simply because I can't think of another way to pass the time.

I need to work on my stories. I can't concentrate. I can't even think clearly. I guess I can't call myself anything but a writer.

Three more days.

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