Monday, November 13, 2006

15,000 with 17 days to go

I started very slow. Only a few hundred words the first day. Now I', working to make it up.

This whole NaNoWriMo experience is exposing me to a very different way of writing. Normally I proof and revise as I go along. Often I change the entire direction of the story before I finish writing it. The problem is that revision takes time, and I have only 17 days left.

So I push ahead, knowing I'll need to change much of what I'm writing but not daring to pause. It is a marathon of letters and syllables strung together into a plot. It is a challenge and a competition. Mainly with myself.

I'm determined to make it, even if I don't get much sleep in the last days. When I was in college I successfully walked 20 miles to raise money for hunger relief. This endeavor is a selfish one. But on December 1, insha Allah, I will be able to relax knowing I've met my goal.

Back at the ranch. . .

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