Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Falling or Dragging

I thought I would be finished with my NaNo novel by now, but it continues to haunt me. I haven't yet reached the conclusion and I can't stop until I get there.

I'm not writing much these days, though. There are so many other things to do. And I'm not talking about Christmas. I've bought Eid gifts for my family. I do need to send a package to my granddaughter. But I don't have to worry about decorations and parties. We'll have a simple Eid and a lot of family time during winter break. Nice and easy, insha Allah.

Still, my to-do list is long every day and I almost never complete every task. And I need to write. I must finish Falling.

The novel is dragging these days. I do think it will make a good story right now. But I'm ready to set it aside and move on to something else for a change. I've developed a middle-age case of ADD.

Have you ever felt dragged down by a project or manuscript? What did you do about it?

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