Monday, May 07, 2007

Body Language

I had another interesting discussion with my sons today about character development. We were talking about distinguishing characters through their vocabulary and speech patterns.

Somehow the conversation turned to body language. The boys hadn't thought of that yet. I use it extensively.

When Joshua is angry or upset, his face turns red. Chris speaks in a low voice. Brad rubs the back of his neck. Joshua might yell and shout, but never Chris. As he gets older, Brad turns more to reasoning. All are brothers, but all have different ways of expressing themselves.

Of course, we use body language daily in our interactions. I have found it to be very useful in defining my characters too.


Remember, the Innocent People sale ends on May 14.

1 comment:

Christina said...

Assalamu Alaikum Sr. Jamilah,

It is so interesting you say this about body language. A large majority of our communication is delivered in body language, intonation, and inflection. What is even more interesting to me, is that people from different countries utilize this to varying degrees but Americans seems to really employ this when communicating with others. Maybe this is one of the reasons I felt your story Echoes flowed so well. It just seemed so natural.
