Wednesday, October 03, 2007


We went out tonight, which is why I'm blogging much later than usual. During a quiet moment in the restaurant, I wrote this blog in my mind. Now I can't remember a single word.

It happens too often. Walking into a room and pausing, having to retrace my steps. Starting a conversation and forgetting what I wanted to say. Writing in my mind and forgetting to put the words on paper.

This is beyond the use of mnemonics (I've always liked that word). This takes extra measures.

Many writers carry journals or small notebooks with them wherever they go. That sounds like an excellent idea. I can find something small enough to fit into my purse. Though I'm always losing pens. Maybe I could wear one around my neck!

My memories of the past help me write. Now if I could just remember what it was I wanted to write about.

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