Thursday, July 13, 2006

Joshua's hometown

Joshua is from Chicago. I chose that city after researching different places. Chicago seemed to be the right fit. And except for the traffic and pollution, I like Chicago. I lived there for three months back in 1978. It wasn't quite as crowded then.

As I write the Echoes Series, I've tried to stay faithful to my locale. Including special characteristics of the city. Brad grew up on the South side, so he's a White Sox fan. Joshua prefers the Cubs. Chris is focused on salvation and doesn't think much about sports.

At times I have actually perused the Chicago Tribune clssifieds to find the right houses for my characters. My husband and I spent a few hours in Chicago today. I enjoy driving through my characters' neighborhoods and picking which houses would suit their personalities.

I enjoy reading stories which contain details about the location. And I work to do the same in my stories

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