Tuesday, March 14, 2006


You have to have it. Preferably not in your life, but definitely in your story.

Man against man. Man against nature. Man against himself. Man against the supernatural. Or woman, of course.

I like writing conflict. I've done a couple of physical fight scenes. Those are challenging, but I turn to my boys for their expert advice (believe me, boys know fighting).

My favorite conflict, though, is the argument. Husband and wife. Current wife and ex-wife. Parent and child. I try to think of the most hurtful thing each character can say to the other, and let loose. It's very cathartic.

I have two sons who love to write. They're more into physical conflict or man against nature.

But I'll take a good argument any day. I can let my characters say all the things I wouldn't even dream of saying.

And you have to have one or two characters who stir things up no matter where they go, no matter who they're speaking with. That's what keeps things exciting.

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