Thursday, July 12, 2007

Writing as Catharsis

I was talking recently with someone who writes horror. He said he must write horror to help him purge his own fears and visions. The stories he writes are bold and often bloody--too strong for me to read. I never would have guessed the secrets he harbored.

I have a character who is great fun for me to write. She speaks boldly whatever is on her mind, with no apologies. She has been known to march into a room or a house and demand an explanation, usually at the top of her lungs. And sometimes, after an outburst, she does calm down and become quiet--even sweet.

Heather is my alter-ego. I wish I could be like her. I could say what I think without worrying about later repercussions. I could demand that people meet me on my terms. I would hold my head high and never offer an apology.

Writing is very therapeutic. My friend exorcises his own ghosts through his gruesome tales. I create characters who act as I never would dare. All of us writers create worlds where our imaginations run wild.

I write, therefore I am.

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