Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Copy, Cut, Paste

This happens to some extent with every book. I write a passage, and later realize it would fit better somewhere else. I copy and cut--always afraid it will escape into the black hole of cyberspace. Then I paste and rewrite to make the passage more comfortable in it's new home.

I've been doing that a lot lately with Ripples, the fourth book in the Echoes Series. In one case it was a matter of chronology--I realized the event would have to take place earlier. But sometimes it just takes me a while to find the right place for a passage. Occasionally I've banished whole paragraphs to my remnants file. They won't fit with this book, but I don't want to discard them entirely.

Copy, cut, paste. I remember when all this needed to be done manually--with scissors and glue. The modern method is much easier--just as long as I don't lose any of my words to the great beyond.

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