Monday, October 23, 2006

Searching for the Right Fit

Every book must have a climax. Usually that's not a problem for me, but it has been in writin Ripples.

I have fully written out two climaxes for this story, and rejected them both. They simply didn't fit. Some elements of each worked well with other details of the story, but they didn't feel right.

This evening it happened that I had to wait in the car for my husband--and I had nothing to do. No book to pass the time. No reading of any kind. Just waiting.

After several minutes I grabbed a piece of scratch paper from my bag and started brainstorming. I needed to find the right climax for my story. It took several more minutes of jotting and thinking, but I finally found it. I hope.

Every story needs the right fit. All of the details must come together toward a satisfying conclusion. One of my earlier options seemed very contrived, as did some of the ideas I brainstormed. The flow of the story must be believable and acceptable to the reader. Otherwise you need to go back and try again.

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