Thursday, October 26, 2006

Finished. . .For Now

About an hour ago I finished my most recent draft of Ripples. And I always have mixed emotions. I'm happy, certainly, to complete my task. But it's always a let down to come to the end of a book--whether I'm reading it or writing it.

My new climax works, though it needs to be tuned up. I expect to spend much of the next four to five months making the writing stronger and the organization tighter.

But I have it. This story has vexed me for some time. I have had trouble nailing it down. Now I'm more than halfway there.

And I'm gearing up for NaNoWriMo. Right now I have three or four different plots in mind. I have less than a week to decide which one I'll go with.

Happy writing!

1 comment:

musicalchef said...

Congratulations on finishing your work. I hope to read some of it!